"The Great Drought" I bet you never thought you would ever see this? Global warming? No. Climate change? No. Cycles ? Yes. A purging of sorts. Nature has a way of cleaning up after a mess somewhat like a self cleaning oven. A culling out some would say. Darwin would call it a survival of the the fittist. I just call it too damn hot ! Sometimes what goes around come around. We can always learn from this.
Since we have some time to think let me suggest an idea or two. Don't do the wrong thing twice!
Point #1.To re-establish or rejuvenate your yard as soon as you are ready, let's start with the soil.
The organics are virtully dead if you have been using synthetics for the last decade...Period!
Point #2. Don't waste more money repeating the same habits twice....Period!
Point #3. Here's why,
"Top soil" is an accumulation of compost from years of leaves, limbs, mold, animals droppings, bug and microscopic bacteria and fungi decay. It is neither good nor bad in content but is balanced as to it's purpose in nature's plan. The soil or the "agronomy" of the the soil is paramount in the survival of all plant life. We ( human helpers) are not a shared part of this equation as to the role we play, unless of course we somehow alter this "natural" occurance of natures' plan. Obviously we have. Now, going forward. To bring back the soil into a usable product, science can play an important role in commercially growing organic cultures that can be added to the soil in an "active state." This will reproduce the living microbes that will thrive in the soil and will start the enrichment process.
Turf or grass can be placed or seeded over the new organic soil. The excellent marriage between the two
will stimulate root growth that is ten to twenty times greater than synthetic fertilizers. The immunities that are
built into the new growth act as barriers against a variety of deseases and bug infestations.
Tree , Shrubs, and Gardens share the same problems and can be spared the same outcomes as
yards. The soil is the same and the root systems are affected by heat and extreme cold in the same manner.
Organics are the most valuable asset for any gardener and are as simple as the soil.The most important tip is start in the Fall and you will be ready for an easy Spring and Summer. Next year we will learn about water accumulation projects and we will be able to use the water we need to irragate our yards as we please and be ahead of the heat issues we face today.
Your Friend,
Dan Shields
Texas Heritage Organic Soils